Advanced Joint Reconstruction Options Near Alexandria, VA

The intricate mechanics of your joints can sometimes falter due to wear and tear, injury or the simple passage of time. As a result, you may experience pain, stiffness, loss of mobility and a diminished quality of life. At Nirschl Orthopaedic Center (NOC) near Alexandria, Virginia, we have a dedicated team of board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons who specialize in restoring joint function with advanced reconstruction techniques.

Assessing Your Needs

Determining the right path for your joint health is our top priority. We take a conservative approach to treatment, aiming to maximize your comfort and mobility without rushing into joint reconstruction surgery. Our initial recommendations will likely include a tailored regimen of nonsurgical therapies, such as:

  • Weight loss and weight management
  • Activity modifications to alleviate joint stress
  • Use of a supportive device, such as a brace or cane, as needed
  • Targeted stretches and exercises
  • Customized physical therapy
  • Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Judicious use of injections

When Joint Reconstruction Is the Next Step

If your symptoms are severe and conservative measures do not provide the relief you need, joint reconstruction may be a viable solution. This meticulous surgical intervention involves the removal of compromised joint components followed by the introduction of a durable, biocompatible prosthesis made of metal, plastic, and/or ceramic materials. While the most common focus of joint reconstruction is the hip or knee, our expertise extends to other joints as well, such as the shoulder, elbow and ankle.

Elevating Experience

The key to successful joint reconstruction lies in the surgeon’s expertise. At NOC, you will find several accomplished orthopedic joint specialists, including Drs. Derek Ochiai, Ronald S. Paik and Clay Wellborn. Their board certification and fellowship training underscore their commitment to providing highly advanced and specialized orthopedic care. Our practice is widely known and respected for excellence in minimally invasive outpatient procedures and rapid recovery joint replacements.

Connect With NOC

If you would like to learn more about advanced joint reconstruction, reach out to Nirschl Orthopaedic Center at (703) 525-2200 to request a personal consultation at office near Alexandria, VA. You can resume your active lifestyle with the support of experienced, compassionate professionals who are dedicated to your orthopedic well-being.