An Orthopedic Hip Specialist Helping Active Individuals From Alexandria, VA, Stay Mobile

Elderly woman rubbing her painful hip

A large ball-and-socket joint, the hip has a wide range of motion—and also endures a significant amount of wear and tear during daily activities. In addition to traumatic injuries, the simple passage of time can lead to hip pain. When the discomfort becomes chronic or debilitating, it’s time to consult with a hip specialist.

Derek H. Ochiai, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and hip specialist who practices at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center. In Dr. Ochiai’s view, a natural hip joint is always preferable to a mechanical hip joint. For this reason, he takes a conservative approach to hip pain treatment and emphasizes hip preservation over total hip replacement whenever possible.

Dr. Ochiai’s specialties include hip arthroscopy and cartilage restoration, and he offers the latest nonsurgical alternatives to hip replacement, including physical therapy and medication. You can meet with Dr. Ochiai at our state-of-the-art sports medicine center near Alexandria, Virginia, where he will evaluate your painful hip and help you explore your treatment options.

Do You Need to See Our Hip Specialist?

Here are some signs that you could benefit from seeing Dr. Ochiai:

  • An X-ray or other imaging study of your hip bones has revealed damage.
  • Your hip pain is interfering with your daily life, making it difficult for you to move about or complete simple tasks.
  • Your hip pain is preventing you from participating in activities that involve sitting for an extended time.
  • You have been diagnosed with a condition such as osteoporosis that is affecting your hip joint.

What Is Causing Your Hip Pain?

In many cases, persistent hip pain is a consequence of years of active use. It may also be a complication of a chronic condition or a result of an injury. As an orthopedic hip specialist, Dr. Ochiai diagnoses and treats many conditions that can cause hip pain, including arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, fractures, strains and labral tears. After identifying the cause of your pain, he will help you get started on the road to recovery.

If you would like to consult with Dr. Ochiai, contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center today to request an appointment at our world-class sports medicine center near Alexandria, VA.