Have you just found out that you have ruptured your Achilles’ tendon? Achilles ruptures typically present with a sudden pain or a snapping sound on the back of your lower leg. You may notice difficulty walking or weakness when trying to push up on your toes. Although usually sports related, Achilles ruptures can also occur with a traumatic injury.

Dr. Buchanan has over 15 years of experience utilizing the latest, minimally-invasive surgical techniques to surgically repair your Achilles rupture. He goal is to return you to your pre-injury level of activity as quickly as possible. Minimally invasive achilles repair utilizes a very small incision and results in higher patient satisfaction and lower complication rates compared to traditional, open techniques with large incisions.

Not everyone is a good candidate for surgical repair. Call 703-525-2200 to schedule a visit with Dr. Buchanan to discuss whether you are a good candidate for Minimally Invasive Achilles Repair.

Patient Testimonials

On a Friday evening, I heard a loud pop and fell to the ground while playing tennis. I am a physician, and I had a strong suspicion that I tore my Achilles. I called another physician friend who led me to Dr. Buchanan. We did a telemedicine visit, he ordered me an MRI, and saw me in clinic as soon as the results were back. He clearly outlined a nonsurgical and a surgical plan for me. We opted for the surgical plan, and I had it performed a few days later. The first few weeks of being non weight bearing were no fun, but I don’t think anybody could have made that part easier. I got into a boot just a few weeks after surgery; followed a daily physical therapy routine; and in 2 months, I was already taking the boot off at home and while walking short distances. 3 months after surgery, I had a trip planned to Yosemite with three other friends. This trip had been on the books months before my Achilles rupture. I decided to go, not sure of how much hiking I could actually do. We won the lottery to climb Half-Dome, and I did the entire hike without a problem. The next day I was completely sore everywhere else but my Achilles felt fine!

I am a physician, and I know a good doctor when I work with one. Surgeons can be excellent in the operating room but difficult at the bedside. It’s a stereotype, but I have seen it to be true on many occasions. I am fortunate to have found Dr. Buchanan. He’s an outstanding surgeon and a genuinely kind person.

– Saurabh Singh, MD



Dr. Buchanan’s communication and bedside manner pre- and post-surgery were fantastic. His skills as a surgeon are evidenced by the quality of my Achilles repair. His recovery protocol was spot on. I have a friend that is younger and more fit than I am who had the same injury but a different surgeon; my recovery was six weeks ahead of theirs. My physical therapist noted that Dr. Buchanan’s patients seem to heal quickest and recover the most strength.

– Vince Urich, PhD