Labral Tears in the Hip Treated in Arlington, VA

Labral tears in the hip are complex injuries that affect the labrum, a protective rim of cartilage that encircles the joint socket. A vital component of hip joint integrity, the labrum bolsters the stability of the socket and encapsulates the top of the upper leg bone (femoral head) for support.

A labral tear can result from a direct blow to the hip joint. Athletes who participate in contact sports such as football, soccer and hockey are particularly susceptible to this type of hip trauma. Likewise, activities that involve rhythmic twisting and pivoting of the hip joint, such as golf and softball, can take a toll on the labrum. As the effects of stress mount over time, the labrum can weaken to the point of rupturing.

Seek the Expertise of a Hip Specialist

Labral tears in the hip warrant prompt medical attention. If you have injured your hip, you can receive the specialized care you need at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center (NOC) in Arlington, Virginia. Our skilled team includes Dr. Derek H. Ochiai, a board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon who focuses on addressing intricate hip issues, such as labral tears, arthritis, hip dysplasia and femoroacetabular impingement (FAI).

The key to effective treatment is an accurate diagnosis. Dr. Ochiai can help you decode the signs of a hip labral tear, which can include:

  • Hip or groin pain – A persistent ache at the front, side or rear of the hip
  • Radiating pain – Pain that originates in the hip and extends down the thigh
  • Loss of mobility – Joint stiffness that limits range of motion
  • Seizing sensations – A clicking, locking or catching feeling in the hip joint, particularly after extended sitting

Explore Your Treatment Options

Painful labral tears in the hip do not mend on their own. However, the discomfort can sometimes be managed with nonsurgical approaches, such as:

  • Activity modifications – When possible, it is important to avoid body positions and motions that trigger pain.
  • Physiotherapy – A custom exercise regimen performed with professional guidance can bolster the muscles that support the injured hip.
  • Medication – Over-the-counter pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be taken as needed for pain relief.
  • Joint injections – Powerful anti-inflammatory medication can be injected directly into the inflamed area of the hip.

Dr. Ochiai may suggest surgical treatment to address severe or persistent symptoms. One option may be repairing or replacing the damaged labral tissue; another may be selective debridement, which involves removing a small portion of the labrum.

Start the Dialogue

Dr. Ochiai offers the latest conservative and surgical treatment options for labral tears in the hip, including hip arthroscopy, hip resurfacing and partial and total hip replacements. If you would like to learn more, reach out to Nirschl Orthopaedic Center at (703) 525-2200 today to request an appointment in Arlington, VA. Your journey toward hip pain resolution begins and flourishes under our dedicated care.