Shoulder Labral Tears Treated in Arlington, VA

Athletic man wearing blue T-shirt on jogging path clutching his painful shoulder

The labrum is a cup-shaped rim of cushioning cartilage that supports the ball-and-socket shoulder joint as well as the rotator cuff tendons and muscles. Because the labrum plays an essential role in stabilizing the shoulder, labral tears can lead to chronic shoulder instability.

Although this type of injury frequently develops in athletes, it can affect anyone who experiences sudden trauma, such as a car accident or a fall down a flight of stairs. Additionally, due to age-related cartilage degeneration, older adults are especially prone to shoulder labral tears.

Types of Shoulder Labral Tears

The two main types of shoulder labral tears are SLAP (superior labrum from anterior to posterior) tears and Bankart lesions. Often caused by repetitive overhead movements, SLAP tears occur at the front of the upper arm near the point where the biceps tendon connects to the shoulder.

Also known as glenoid labral tears, Bankart lesions commonly result from an anterior shoulder dislocation, which usually occurs when the arm is suddenly forced forward or downward while it is moving away from the body. When the humeral head dislocates anteriorly, the ball forcefully pushes against the anterior glenoid labrum at the front of the socket, causing it to tear.

Symptoms of Shoulder Labral Tears

In addition to causing sudden, aching pain in the shoulder, labral tears typically interfere with normal shoulder movements. The hallmark sign of a SLAP tear is pain at the front of the shoulder near the biceps tendon, while Bankart lesions often cause a sensation of looseness in the shoulder.

How We Treat Shoulder Labral Tears

If you have shoulder pain that is interfering with your active lifestyle, you can consult with an experienced shoulder specialist at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center (NOC) in Arlington, Virginia, where you can benefit from the latest advances in diagnostics and treatment. We can provide an accurate diagnosis and suggest a tailored treatment plan to help you recover as quickly as possible.

When treating shoulder labral tears, we typically begin with a conservative approach, which may involve physical therapy, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or injections. For our patients who ultimately elect surgery, our board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic shoulder surgeons skillfully perform the last surgical techniques, including arthroscopic rotator cuff and labral repairs.

Contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center today to learn more about shoulder labral tear treatment. We would be happy to schedule a consultation for you with a shoulder specialist at our state-of-the-art orthopedic and sports medicine center in Arlington, VA.