Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Specialist Offering the Latest Treatment Options in the Fairfax, VA, Area

Foot and Ankle Specialist Fairfax VA

Working together, your feet and ankles support the entire weight of your body, allowing you to stand, walk, run, jump and move in many other ways. These highly complex structures include 33 joints and more than 100 bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Each day, these various components are subjected to a significant amount of stress, and even more if you play sports or are otherwise active.

As a result, foot and ankle injuries are very common, often resulting from daily wear and tear as well as overuse, sudden movements and trauma. Due to the complexity of the foot and ankle, the expertise of a foot and ankle specialist is needed to effectively treat these injuries. You will find this level of specialized expertise at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center near Fairfax, Virginia. Our foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Matthew Buchanan, is a board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon who focuses exclusively on foot and ankle care.

Experience Matters! We Offer Specialist Care for Many Foot & Ankle Conditions

In addition to general foot and ankle pain, Dr. Buchanan diagnoses and treats:

  • Sprains, fractures, ankle instability, torn ligaments and other sports-related foot and ankle injuries
  • Bunions, hammertoes and other foot deformities caused by ill-fitting shoes
  • Hallux rigidus, sesamoiditis and other toe conditions
  • Flat foot, cavus foot (high arches), plantar fasciitis, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction and other arch disorders
  • Achilles tendinitis, heel bursitis, heel spurs and other heel conditions
  • Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other types of arthritis that affect the foot and ankle
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), Morton’s neuroma, foot drop, nerve compression and other neurological disorders
  • Charcot arthropathy, diabetic neuropathy, calluses, infections, ulcers and other foot complications of diabetes

As a foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Buchanan emphasizes conservative treatment whenever possible, helping each patient find the least invasive option that will be effective. He offers a full range of the latest treatment options—both nonsurgical and surgical—for foot and ankle conditions. As a surgeon, one of his specialties is minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, and he is certified to perform four FDA-approved total ankle replacement procedures.

If you have a foot or ankle issue, Dr. Buchanan can help you get back on your feet. Contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center today to request an appointment at our office near Fairfax, VA. In addition to benefiting from the extensive experience of our acclaimed foot and ankle specialist, you can expect a streamlined and personalized experience with us.