Elbow Bursitis Treated in Arlington, VA

Male runner holding his painful elbow

Elbow bursitis is an inflammation of the olecranon bursa, a small cushion that helps reduce friction during movement. Trauma or prolonged pressure can cause the normally thin and flexible bursa to fill with fluid, causing pain and limiting movement. Elbow bursitis can develop after a hard fall onto the tip of the elbow or from habitually supporting weight on the elbow while leaning on a hard surface.

For an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment of elbow bursitis, you can turn to the board-certified, fellowship-trained surgeons at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center. With a state-of-the-art sports medicine center in Arlington, Virginia, we make it easy to receive outstanding orthopedic care in the Washington, DC, metro area.

Symptoms of Elbow Bursitis

Usually, the first sign of elbow bursitis is swelling around the point of the elbow. However, the swelling is not always obvious since the outer elbow is covered with loose skin. As the inflamed bursa is forced to stretch during movement, pain may develop and worsen whenever the elbow is bent. If the inflamed bursa becomes infected, the skin may become red and warm to the touch.

Treatment Options for Elbow Bursitis

Many patients benefit from conservative therapies. Some options include ice applications, a compression wrap and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). During recovery, it is also important to rest and avoid activities that worsen the discomfort.

If an infection is suspected, we may suggest aspiration, an in-office procedure that involves using a needle to remove the fluid from the inflamed bursa. In addition to relieving the symptoms of elbow bursitis, aspiration provides a fluid sample that can be examined for the presence of bacteria, which may require antibiotic treatment.

If you would like to talk with an experienced elbow specialist about bursitis, contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center at 703-525-2200 to request an appointment at our facility in Arlington, VA.