Explore Your Joint Reconstruction Options With an Expert Orthopedic Surgeon Near Clarendon, VA

Joint degeneration affects countless individuals worldwide. Over time, the protective cartilage that coats the ends of the bones in a joint can deteriorate due to repetitive use or injury. Consequently, the bones may begin to grind painfully against each other during movement, leading to stiffness, tenderness and reduced mobility.

When Is the Right Time for Joint Reconstruction?

The joint preservation specialists at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center (NOC) near Clarendon, Virginia, emphasize conservative treatment for joint pain whenever possible. Before considering joint reconstruction surgery, we typically work with the patient to develop a nonsurgical treatment plan tailored to their unique diagnosis, overall health, goals and preferences. This may include a combination of:

  • Weight loss, if necessary
  • Activity modifications to minimize the strain on the affected joint
  • Regular exercise, possibly complemented by physical therapy
  • A supportive walking aid, such as a brace or cane
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Joint injections

If the symptoms persist despite several weeks of conservative treatment, joint reconstruction may be a viable solution. This type of surgery involves removing damaged or arthritic components of a joint and replacing them with a durable, low-friction prosthesis made of metal, plastic or ceramic parts. The prosthesis is meticulously designed to replicate the natural movement of a healthy joint. In many cases, today’s state-of-the-art joint replacements last longer in the body than their counterparts of yesteryear. Thus, the surgeons at NOC are more confident in offering these procedures to younger patients, allowing them to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

Although hip and knee replacements are the most commonly performed joint reconstruction procedures, the shoulder, elbow, finger and ankle joints can also be successfully reconstructed.

A Skilled Surgeon Can Make a True Difference

If you are living with severe joint pain, a joint reconstruction procedure may dramatically improve your quality of life by expanding your pain-free range of motion and increasing your independence. If you are contemplating this type of surgery, it is crucial to work with an experienced surgeon. At NOC, our exceptional team includes board-certified orthopedic joint surgeons who specialize in performing minimally invasive outpatient surgery and rapid-recovery joint reconstruction. Our specialists are known for delivering exceptional results.

Learn About the Possibilities Today

To delve deeper into the world of advanced joint reconstruction, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with a specialist at our office near Clarendon, VA. Contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center today and take your first step toward renewed mobility and vitality.