Biceps Tendinitis Treated in Arlington, VA

Man in blue shirt touching his painful upper arm

Biceps tendinitis is a painful inflammation of the strong, cord-like tissue that connects the biceps muscle in the upper arm to the bones in the shoulder joint. Usually, the inflammation results from overuse of the shoulder, such as repetitive overhead lifting without adequate recovery time. Biceps tendinitis is particularly common among athletes, such as swimmers, gymnasts, rowers, tennis players and baseball pitchers.

If you would like to have your shoulder checked by an orthopedic specialist, come to Nirschl Orthopaedic Center in Arlington, Virginia. We can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend an individualized treatment plan to help you return to the activities you enjoy both quickly and safely.

Signs of Biceps Tendinitis

The symptoms of biceps tendinitis can include:

  • A deep, throbbing ache in the shoulder that worsens when the arm is raised overhead
  • Pain that travels from the shoulder through the upper arm
  • A snapping sensation in the shoulder during movement

As part of the diagnostic process, your physician at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center will perform a thorough examination of your shoulder to test for tenderness, instability and reduced range of motion. If we confirm a diagnosis of biceps tendinitis, we will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. Biceps tendinitis usually responds well to conservative treatment, such as ice applications, physical therapy, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroid injections. In severe cases, such as those involving a torn labrum, or when non-surgical therapies do not provide sufficient relief, a surgical procedure may be considered.

Contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center at 703-525-2200 to learn more about treatment options for biceps tendinitis or to schedule an appointment with a shoulder specialist in Arlington, VA.