Ankle Instability Treated in Arlington, VA

Female runner holding her painful sprained ankle

Chronic ankle instability occurs when the ankle is unable to support weight on its outer side, causing the joint to continually roll outward. In many cases, the condition can be effectively treated with conservative therapies. If you have been diagnosed with ankle instability—or if you suspect it might be the reason you keep rolling your ankle—you can consult with Dr. Matthew Buchanan at Nirschl Orthopaedic Center in Arlington, Virginia. Dr. Buchanan is an experienced foot and ankle specialist who can evaluate your condition and determine the best possible treatment approach for you.

Causes of Ankle Instability

The most common cause of ankle instability is an injury, such as an ankle sprain, that does not heal properly. When the ligaments that stabilize the ankle joint are stretched beyond their normal limits, sometimes they do not recover fully. This can weaken the ankle and make it more susceptible to sprains. Ankle instability can also develop if a sprained ligament is not given enough time to heal before weight is applied. Other factors that can contribute to ankle instability include a bone fracture, arthritis or swelling or scar tissue in the joint.

Recurrent Ankle Sprains & Other Symptoms

After an ankle is sprained once, it is more likely to sprain again. Recurrent sprains are the most common sign of ankle instability. Other symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling, stiffness and weakness in the ankle joint.

The diagnostic process is fairly straightforward. Dr. Buchanan will ask about your medical history, including any prior ankle injuries, and perform a physical exam. He may also use a balance test to determine the severity of the instability and whether it affects your daily movements. Finally, he may order imaging studies to check for other possible causes of your symptoms before confirming your diagnosis.

Treatment Options for Ankle Instability

Many patients with ankle instability benefit from non-surgical treatments, which can include an ankle brace, physical therapy and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Surgery may be considered to address severe symptoms. For instance, Dr. Buchanan may surgically repair or tighten the ligaments that have been stretched.

Dr. Buchanan can help you manage and overcome your ankle instability. Contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center at 703-525-2200 to schedule an appointment at our office in Arlington, VA.